Index of /media/class/[] Udemy - Manage Finance Data with Python & Pandas Unique Masterclass/4. Pandas Intermediate Topics/

1. Intro.html                                      06-Oct-2022 16:09                 708
10. Coding Exercise 3 (Intro).mp4                  06-Oct-2022 16:09            11030116
10. Coding Exercise 3 (Intro).vtt                  06-Oct-2022 16:08                1553
11. Coding Exercise 3 (Solution).mp4               06-Oct-2022 16:08            37646881
11. Coding Exercise 3 (Solution).vtt               06-Oct-2022 16:07                5324
12. First Steps with Pandas Index Objects.mp4      06-Oct-2022 16:07            45130218
12. First Steps with Pandas Index Objects.vtt      06-Oct-2022 16:02                5982
13. Changing Row Index with set_index() and res..> 06-Oct-2022 16:08            78712167
13. Changing Row Index with set_index() and res..> 06-Oct-2022 15:59               10630
14. Changing Column Labels.mp4                     06-Oct-2022 16:08            22206623
14. Changing Column Labels.vtt                     06-Oct-2022 16:04                3571
15. Renaming Index & Column Labels with rename(..> 06-Oct-2022 16:07            35168481
15. Renaming Index & Column Labels with rename(..> 06-Oct-2022 16:06                4820
16. Pandas Index Objects.html                      06-Oct-2022 16:06                 146
17. Coding Exercise 4 (Intro).mp4                  06-Oct-2022 16:06             8041755
17. Coding Exercise 4 (Intro).vtt                  06-Oct-2022 16:00                1231
18. Coding Exercise 4 (Solution).mp4               06-Oct-2022 16:07            28672630
18. Coding Exercise 4 (Solution).vtt               06-Oct-2022 16:01                3950
19. Sorting DataFrames with sort_index() and so..> 06-Oct-2022 16:09            57017037
19. Sorting DataFrames with sort_index() and so..> 06-Oct-2022 16:02                9682
2. First Steps with Pandas Series.mp4              06-Oct-2022 16:08            37705985
2. First Steps with Pandas Series.vtt              06-Oct-2022 16:06                7231
20. nunique() and nlargest()  nsmallest() with ..> 06-Oct-2022 16:06            34204958
20. nunique() and nlargest()  nsmallest() with ..> 06-Oct-2022 16:03                5690
21. Filtering DataFrames (one Condition).mp4       06-Oct-2022 16:08            55478278
21. Filtering DataFrames (one Condition).vtt       06-Oct-2022 16:07               11371
22. Filtering DataFrames by many Conditions (AN..> 06-Oct-2022 16:08            27154553
22. Filtering DataFrames by many Conditions (AN..> 06-Oct-2022 15:57                4684
23. Filtering DataFrames by many Conditions (OR..> 06-Oct-2022 16:09            32287440
23. Filtering DataFrames by many Conditions (OR..> 06-Oct-2022 16:04                5210
24. Advanced Filtering with between(),  isin() ..> 06-Oct-2022 16:09            68628262
24. Advanced Filtering with between(),  isin() ..> 06-Oct-2022 16:01                8137
25. any() and all().mp4                            06-Oct-2022 16:09            18364696
25. any() and all().vtt                            06-Oct-2022 16:09                4189
26. Sorting and Filtering.html                     06-Oct-2022 16:09                 146
27. Coding Exercise 5 (Intro).mp4                  06-Oct-2022 16:09            11538016
27. Coding Exercise 5 (Intro).vtt                  06-Oct-2022 16:03                1412
28. Coding Exercise 5 (Solution).mp4               06-Oct-2022 16:09            75363084
28. Coding Exercise 5 (Solution).vtt               06-Oct-2022 16:00                8612
29. Intro to NA Values  missing Values.mp4         06-Oct-2022 16:07            47862386
29. Intro to NA Values  missing Values.vtt         06-Oct-2022 15:59                9522
3. Analyzing Numerical Series with unique(), nu..> 06-Oct-2022 16:09            76199128
3. Analyzing Numerical Series with unique(), nu..> 06-Oct-2022 16:06               13245
30. Handling NA Values  missing Values.mp4         06-Oct-2022 16:09            71940428
30. Handling NA Values  missing Values.vtt         06-Oct-2022 16:07               11750
31. Exporting DataFrames to csv.mp4                06-Oct-2022 16:07            13890482
31. Exporting DataFrames to csv.vtt                06-Oct-2022 16:04                2488
32. Summary Statistics and Accumulations.mp4       06-Oct-2022 16:08            60379629
32. Summary Statistics and Accumulations.vtt       06-Oct-2022 16:08               10547
33. The agg() method.mp4                           06-Oct-2022 16:08            23918178
33. The agg() method.vtt                           06-Oct-2022 16:07                3802
34. Coding Exercise 6 (Intro).mp4                  06-Oct-2022 16:08            16075973
34. Coding Exercise 6 (Intro).vtt                  06-Oct-2022 16:02                1951
35. Coding Exercise 6 (Solution).mp4               06-Oct-2022 16:09            87984012
35. Coding Exercise 6 (Solution).vtt               06-Oct-2022 16:08               11217
4. UPDATE Pandas Version 0.24.0 (Jan 2019).html    06-Oct-2022 16:08                 369
5. EXCURSUS Updating Pandas  Anaconda.mp4          06-Oct-2022 16:08            80842817
5. EXCURSUS Updating Pandas  Anaconda.vtt          06-Oct-2022 16:05                6394
6. Analyzing non-numerical Series with unique()..> 06-Oct-2022 16:09            44974517
6. Analyzing non-numerical Series with unique()..> 06-Oct-2022 16:08                7717
7. The copy() method.mp4                           06-Oct-2022 16:08            25988869
7. The copy() method.vtt                           06-Oct-2022 16:02                4706
8. Sorting of Series and Introduction to the in..> 06-Oct-2022 16:07            43431524
8. Sorting of Series and Introduction to the in..> 06-Oct-2022 16:00                9520
9. Pandas Series.html                              06-Oct-2022 16:00                 146